About Boulevard Park Neighborhood Association (BPNA)
Boulevard Park is a unique, cohesive neighborhood. It is an area that strives for the preservation of old values and traditions but also values individuality and new ideas. Perhaps more than any other area of the city, the area understands the need for balance between each individual part of the city as well as its contribution to the creation of the city as a whole. The area is a community in itself, created by the sense of neighborhood, by the ready availability of businesses, by one-of-a-kind stores rather than franchise chains, by a minimal dependence on the automobile, and by a diverse mix of interesting people from all backgrounds.
The Boulevard Park Neighborhood Association, formed in 1991, serves a unique and cohesive neighborhood.
Regular BPNA activities include beautification projects. holiday decorations, yard sales, annual spaghetti dinner, holiday party, Fourth of July picnics, National Night Out, progressive dinners, Washington School, and direct involvement with among many our local Neighborhood Response Teams and Neighborhood Action Group.
BPNA regularly monitors planning, zoning, and historic preservation projects and networks with other neighborhood associations to share information, develop policies, and make sure all neighborhoods remain healthy. BPNA produces, publishes, and distributes a free paper (and electronic) monthly newsletter The Park Beat reaching nearly 1500 households, chronicling neighborhood and City events, programs, services, and alerts residents to problems and issues affecting their quality of life. We have recently launched our own website and FaceBook page.
BPNA is not a homeowner's association. It is resident-driven. Everyone who turns their porch light on before going to bed at night has a stake in this neighborhood!
So, thanks to all who have given their time, energy, and talents. Thanks to the Block Captains who deliver the monthly newsletters and to all the volunteers who give their time to neighborhood events. Thanks to everyone, members and non-members, who take the time to clean the gutters, rake the leaves, and maintains their yards that send a message that we are a neighborhood that cares.